A farm road and woods trails offer a variety of walking options to experience.
118 acre property, operated by Bowdoin College as its Coastal Studies Center, makes up
the entire peninsula between Long Cove and Harpswell Sound. This is an active research
and residence facility. Please stay on designated paths and follow all regulations. Trail
maps available at the parking area.
Enjoy this short video of one of the trails and beach area.
Some of the trails can be a little wet so bring along some good boots or go during the summer when the land is more dry. I walked the trail on the left of the road that leads down to the bar island. The woods were beautiful, dark and green. the smell of fall was in the air and the views going down to the shore were amazing. I spotted a bald eagle when I reached the edge of the shore line. I had my video running and caught glimpses of him.You can see him in the Middle left hand side of the picture below.

I climbed down to the beach and it was wonderful.Tthe bar to the island was exposed and I walked about half way across. A great spot for pictures.
You can walk the shore for some time or cross over to the island. Just be aware of the tide. There are few places to get back up from the shore and it takes a little effort. So bare that in mind. The walk back up was nice but a little difficult to find the path. It was fall and the leaves had covered the trail. The trails are also not marked as well as I would like them to be. But you are on a small peninsula and so getting lost would not be easy.
I Give this trail 5 stars for it's beauty and 3 stars for its walk ability. Have fun. :)
Directions: Take a right off Route 24 approximately 1.7 mile south of the Orr’s Island bridge
onto Bayview Road. Follow the road to the end --- about 1 mile --- to reach the farm. Park in
the designated spaces (limited parking) on the right & left on the edge of the property. Do
not drive past the parking area into the farm. No camping and no groups larger than 10